There are 1.62 billion people that visit Facebook daily. It’s an untapped goldmine for any agent that wants to double their product and income.

Because let’s face it. What worked in the past doesn’t work well anymore.

Cold calling, door knocking, and relying on referral only goes so far.

That’s why we at LeadJolt have developed a special Facebook Ads system that generates our happy clients’ consistent appointments and leads. 

Our client Don B. from Lexington, SC, was looking to save some time in his business, while still making more money. In only one week of coming on board, we generated him 15 qualified appointments.

Here’s what he had to say: “These guys are the real deal. I have used many of the big-name lead generation companies, just to come up short with very little results. I’m very happy with the results I’m getting so far with LeadJolt.”

Want to learn how to achieve these kinds of numbers yourself? Keep reading to learn how to build a profitable real estate Facebook funnel.

How a funnel and the buyer journey works

Most agents rely on the same old methods for generating real estate leads: cold calling, networking, and door knocking. Sure, it can work. But the problem is that it’s inefficient. If you’re lucky you’ll get a 1–2% success rate.

Oppositely, consider for a moment that 95% of customers choose a business that helps them navigate each stage of the buying process. 

The journey itself that makes up a sales funnel looks like this:

You can also think of the funnel as having a top, middle, and bottom like so

The awareness stage (top) is where a prospect first finds your real estate services. This will be through a Facebook ad as you will be learning in today’s article. 

The consideration or interest stage (middle) is when you segment serious leads by offering a free resource to collect their information.

You can then close serious prospects in the decision stage (bottom). That brings us to our next point.

Alternatively, you can skip all of these steps and drop off at the finish line by using LeadJolt’s done-for-you lead generation services. We find leads, collect their data, and you simply close the deals.

How to create a Facebook Ads funnel

These are the steps you need to take to build a Facebook Ads funnel. 

It all begins with a lead magnet

Don’t mistake the mistake of sending paid traffic directly to listings or sales page. You need to build trust first.

And, that’s done with a lead magnet.

This is a free resource as we mentioned earlier that’s offered in exchange for the prospect’s information. You can then follow up in the back end to convert them.

Offering personalized resources can increase lead generation conversion rates by up to 30–40%

Some of the most popular forms of lead magnets include:

  1. Courses
  2. E-books
  3. Reports
  4. Guide
  5. Templates
  6. Videos
  7. Webinars
  8. Consultations

We suggest using a tool like Canva to create a professional lead magnet in a few minutes.

Sign up for an account to begin.

Use one of Canva’s free templates. For example, we’ll choose one of the checklist templates.

Customize the template with text, graphics, and your logo or website name to brand it.

Click the “Download” button from the top right to finish.

That brings us to the next step.

Creating a real estate Facebook Ads funnel

With a lead magnet completed, you can now successfully create a Facebook Ads funnel.

Step 1: Create a lead generation ad

Visit Facebook’s ad manager page and create a new ad. Select the “Lead generation” campaign objective.

This allows you to include a form that users can directly engage within the ad.

Give the campaign a name and optional use Facebook/s A/B testing and budget optimization settings.

The first allows you to test several ads at once to find winners. The second optimize spending for achieving certain goals like maximizing leads or minimizing costs.

Step 2: Set the target audience

Click “Continue” and begin setting the target audience next. This will be the audience on Facebook that sees your ad.

Do not go extremely broad as this will reduce the number of leads you generate and makes campaigns more expensive.

Rather, go niche. Target your city. Target an individual zip code. Local leads are better for agents.

You can do this by entering a neighbourhood into the location search bar. Click the neighbour or area you wish to target.

Look at the “Audience Size” needle on the right. You can see with the above example we are targeting a small area in Toronto, Ontario called Yorkville possible of reaching 4,900 people.

Agents servicing this area could make an ad for Yorkville residents and show them available properties or assist them to buy there.

If you already have a list of contacts, you can import them as a custom audience via the “Create New” option.

Select one of the options such as uploading via a CSV file or one of Facebook’s sources.

Use Facebook’s automatic placements and set the daily budget next.

We suggest beginning with a smaller amount and increasing the budget as you discover winning combinations of ads, audiences, and offers.

Step 3: Design the ad

Choose which Facebook or Instagram account you want to represent the ad. This should be your agent page.

Here’s where the magic happens next. Facebook allows you to integrate a form to collect a lead’s information right through an ad.

That means they don’t have to leave Facebook or take extra steps that could hurt conversions.

Create a new instant form.

Give it a name and select the option to maximize volume. We want as many leads as possible.

The headline and description is a very important part of your ad. This is what is called the sales copy.

Since the goal of the campaign is to offer a free resource, clearly explain what it is and the benefit of downloading it.

Add questions based on the information you’d like to collect from leads. These might include name, email, phone number, and qualifying questions.

The last step is to create the completion page. This should thank the lead for completing the form and forward them to the URL where the lead magnet is hosted.

You can use a free service like Dropbox to host your lead magnet.

Closing deals and following up

Your job isn’t done yet. Once you begin collecting leads with an ad, you have to follow up with them.

It’s proven that 20% of sales reps make up 80% of all sales within a company. The reality is that people are busy. They have things to do. Priorities to take care of.

Sometimes emails aren’t at the top of their list to check or respond to. Continually following up and providing values increase conversions and maximizes how many meetings you land.

If setting up funnels, using automation, and following up isn’t your strong point, invest in LeadJolt. Our done-for-you lead gen services use a special data-driven follow-up system you can’t find anywhere else.

However, if you wish to do it yourself, use a CRM like HubSpot. This will allow you to organize contacts, emails, phone calls, and outreach.

Sign up for an account from the homepage.

Navigate to the contacts section and click “Import” from the top right. 

Start an import by uploading the CSV file of Facebook leads. Follow the setup wizard and all of your contacts will be added to HubSpot.

Click any contact’s profile to send an email. 

Introduce yourself so they recall where they’ve engaged with you initially (Facebook in this case). Then, send a follow-up message every 1–3 days with one of these strategies:

  1. Share more resources like blog posts or videos.
  2. Schedule a free consultation or meeting.
  3. Ask if they are looking to buy or sell a property.
  4. Ask if they have a real estate agent representing them.
  5. Ask if they have any questions related to buying or selling a home.
  6. Use qualification questions to determine lead scores.

We also recommend using automation like Zapier to send leads you collect from Facebook Ads directly to your CRM. You can then focus purely on contacting leads, following up, and closing deals!

The bottom line

If you want to be one of the top real estate agents in your area, double production, and live a life of freedom, you need to do things differently.

All of these things are difficult to achieve when every day consists of cold calling and low income-generating activities.

That’s why we choose to scale our client’s real estate businesses with data-driven Facebook Ads campaigns.

Our proven system finds high-quality leads that match your ideal client as closely as possible and uses genuine follow-ups that so many agents forget to do. There’s a reason Berkshire Hathaway, Century 21, and Remax use our platform.

Still need proof? Read this free case study to see what LeadJolt is capable of doing for your real estate business.


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