63% of people agree cold calling is what they dislike most about their jobs. Don’t you agree?

You have to pick up the phone, go through a list of leads (that most of the time is poor quality) and talk to strangers. It’s nerve-racking. It isn’t fun.

The worst part of all? It barely converts.

Just because it’s worked for decades and everyone else does it doesn’t mean you have to too. Succeeding in real estate is all about working smarter, not harder.

Continue reading to learn how to never cold call again in your real estate career while generating more leads than ever.

Is cold calling dead? (Why we think yes)

Cold calling is a thing of the past. While it does have potential, it becomes a numbers game and is very inefficient. Cold calling is proven to not work 90.9% of the time. That means you’re spending most of your time doing a low-income generating activity that could be better spent elsewhere.

This is because buyers and sellers are more resourceful and intelligent than ever. They are resilient against advertising and the offers they receive every day. They have the internet, social media, and other resources to find realtors and do research.

That brings us to our next point.

Real estate cold calling alternatives

These are strategies that realtors can use to generate leads and never live in a feast and famine cycle again.

1. Create a Facebook Ads funnel

The preliminary stage of finding clients, qualifying them, and nurturing a relationship is how 80% of agents spend their time. You’ve been told to do so. It’s all you know. 

However, there’s a better way to work.

Agents need to focus on revenue-generating activities that passively attract leads. Facebook Ads are an extremely effective way to pre-qualify leads and have a consistent pipeline of deals.

Facebook Ads also experienced a 37% lift in impressions last year. That means its potential reach is increasing and you shouldn’t miss out.

Here’s how to create an automated Facebook Ads funnel:

Step 1: Create a new lead generation campaign

Visit Facebook Ads Manager and click the green “Create” button to make a new ad.

Choose the “Lead generation” option.

Targeting should consist of an existing list you’ve built which can be turned into a lookalike audience. If you’re starting from scratch, narrow down the people in your area by changing the location to your city. Detail targeting can be used to target interests like real estate as well. 

Make sure to claim your local area with LeadJolt if you haven’t already too.

That brings us to the next step.

Step 2: Design the creative and sales copy

The creative and copy component of your real estate Facebook ad is extremely important.

The image should draw the audience and get their attention. The sales copy accompanies it.

Since we are going to be offering a free resource (a lead magnet), write a headline and description that tells them to get their free guide, template, etc.

Choose the “Download” call to action and move onto the third step.

Step 3: Offer them a lead magnet on the thank you screen

Click “New Form” under the “Instant Form” section. This embeds a sign-up form that directly collects lead contact information from your Facebook ad.

Enter a name and choose the “More Volume” option to generate more real estate leads.

Edit the questions to segment leads further such as “Are you buying a home?” or “Are you selling a home?” and the required information.

Choose to use the image from your ad and edit the greeting to let prospects know how to complete the form and what they receive.

Add a link to your privacy policy. You can generate one for free here.

Lastly, edit the completion step to forward users to a page on your website or elsewhere where they can download the lead magnet. 

Watch LeadJolt’s case study to see how we grow our client’s real estate business with a similar system.

2. Generate leads with a real estate blog

According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound report, blogging is one of the most underrated marketing tactics.

Creating a real estate blog positions you as an authority and trustworthy agent to work with. There are many agents without a blog so it serves as a competitive advantage too.

A blog acts as a lead generation engine. You publish content about topics your clients would be interested in, build trust, and they reach out to book a meeting.

The first step is creating a blog. You don’t have to be a tech aficionado. Sign up for a free account on Medium to begin.

This will give you a blogging platform to publish content and attract prospects.

Then, use a tool like BuzzSumo to research topics. Type in a keyword such as “home buying” or “selling a home” for example. Remember, you’re trying to attract a very specific buyer persona.

Additionally, you want to target keywords to rank for on Google. We recommend using a tool like Ubersuggest.

Enter a search term on the home page.

This will present you with more keyword ideas and metrics. Target a mix of low, medium, and high competition keywords. Place them in the:

  • Title
  • URL
  • Body
  • Header tags
  • Meta description
  • Alt text of images

Click “Add story” on Medium and begin writing your blog post. 

Keep in mind that a Backlinko study found that the average #1 result on Google is 1,890 words long. Aim for long-form content. It drives more traffic, delivers increased value, and has been proven to receive more social shares.

Add visuals that aid the content, a statistic to back up claims, and other resources to help readers understand the topic. 

Click the “Publish” button and edit the title, URL, and meta description as we previously described.

Add relevant tags like “real estate” and select “Publish now.”

3. Design an email marketing funnel

Email marketing is decades old but remains one of the most effective ways to generate leads. In fact, email delivers one of the highest ROIs at $44 for every $1 spent.

The first step to real estate email marketing is to choose software. Mailchimp is a great choice because it’s free up to 2,000 subscribers. Register for a free account.

If you have a website, connect it via a plugin or app to create a form for directly collecting signups.

Alternatively, you can create a new campaign from the “Create” dropdown and select the “Landing page” option to send prospects to a landing page via social media and other channels.

Select a template on the next page.

Design the landing page to include an offer such as receiving the latest real estate news and available homes in your city. Make it irresistible to opt-in.

Click “Save & Close” on the bottom right when you’re finished.

You can then share the URL with prospects through marketing channels to begin building your list.

Email them newsletters and content you publish to stay on their radar while sending the occasional sales email as well.

4. YouTube is a goldmine for real estate leads

78% of marketers say that YouTube is the most effective video marketing platform. It can be used by real estate agents to educate buyers and sellers, do property tours, and convince leads you’re worth hiring through how-to videos.

Take HomeAndCondo for illustration:

This Toronto real estate channel a part of Century21 publishes videos showing in-depth tours of properties they’re selling. Videos like these are capable of helping you find both buyers and sellers.

Channels like Graham Stephan focus on the information and knowledge side of real estate.

These videos educate viewers on how to properly buy and sell homes, invest in rental properties, and other related topics. The channel targets a very specific audience and helps Graham generate leads for his real estate ventures.

Agents interested in pursuing YouTube first need to invest in proper equipment. A used or older DSLR camera will run you $200–400. A microphone and tripod can cost up to an additional $100 combined. There’s also free video recording software like OBS that can be used.

Similar to blogging as we covered earlier, you need to target topics that bring relevant users to your channel. Local property tours and guides will attract people interested in purchasing or selling real estate in that area. Those along with how-to real estate videos will drive the highest quality leads.

Final thoughts on real estate cold calling alternatives

Does real estate cold calling work? Sure. Just not very well. It’s been proven over and over to be an inefficient way to increase production and generate leads. Agents interested in saving time and increasing income have to work smarter.

It’s 100% possible to get real estate leads without cold calling. Still need proof? Watch this case study to see what LeadJolt is capable of doing for your real estate business

Agents interested in doubling production and increasing deals should claim their area and talk to our team today about implementing our unique system.


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